RISE Together Fund and Funders for Justice invite you to a funder briefing to learn how Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA)* communities continue to challenge state-sponsored criminalization 20 years post-9/11. Despite being approximately 1% of the U.S. population, Muslims make up 9% of the U.S. prison population. BAMEMSA communities more generally are also singled out for surveillance tactics like countering violent extremism, and receive harsher and longer sentences than non-Muslims.
During this session, we will explore how RISE Together Fund grantees have created innovative organizing and policy advocacy models to combat criminalization at several institutional levels, from the prison industrial complex to immigration enforcement, and to push for collective abolition and liberation. We will also hear from experts on how their work is made more challenging by gendered Islamophobia, and anti-Blackness within the collective carceral system. We will ask participants to make a commitment to resourcing these organizations and the ecosystems that they are a part of.
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