Friday, June 10, 2016 | 10 AM – 6 PM
Convene NYC Times Square
810 Seventh Avenue (52nd and 53rd), New York City
@aapip | #aapip2016
Mark your calendars for a special national convening of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) in New York City on June 10, 2016.
This all-day meeting will bring together a wide range of funders and stakeholders from the philanthropic sector to network, learn about AAPIP’s new strategic directions, engage in relevant program sessions and celebrate our successful 5-year National Giving Circle Campaign.
Staff and directors of AAPIP member foundations, chapter leaders, individual donors and community giving circle members, and nonprofit leaders interested in AAPI community issues and needs are welcomed to attend. Registrants can also participate in optional pre-conference Dine-Arounds and panels, hosted by our New York Chapter leaders and philanthropic partners.
Join us! Together we are building our philanthropy. The cut-off for registration ended on June 3, 2016.
Program at a Glance
Thursday, June 9, 2016
4 – 6 PM | “From Policy to Practice: Unpacking AAPIs and the Model Minority Myth” (An AAPIP NY Chapter event) |
6:30 – 8:30 PM | Pre-Convening Dine Arounds (optional) |
Friday, June 10, 2016
8:30 – 10:30 AM | “Leadership Matters: A Breakfast Conversation with Philip Li” (An AAPIP NY Chapter event) |
10:00 AM | Registration Opens |
11:00 AM | Welcome and Opening Plenary |
11:45 AM | Buffet Lunch & Networking |
12:50 PM | Presentation of 2016 Board Officers and Board Members |
1:10 PM | AAPIP Strategic Plan, 2017-2021 |
2:15 PM |
Breakout Sessions Session A: Giving Circles: Innovative Partnerships in Community Philanthropy Giving Circles are showing great promise as a community investment strategy to complement the work of traditional philanthropy. At the conclusion of AAPIP’s 5-year National Giving Circle Campaign, partners in this movement reflect on what they are learning and the future potential for this form of community philanthropy.
Session B: Islamophobia: How to Mobilize Resources & Action in a Climate of Hate & Division Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, in a politically-charged and hostile climate, the violence and hatred experienced by the Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities in the U.S. has worsened as a result of increased violence domestically and abroad in addition to hateful political rhetoric. A distinguished panel of philanthropic leaders discuss how the current political climate and rhetoric are leading to a resurgence of Islamophobia, and what philanthropy can do about it.
Session C: Working at New Intersections for Social Justice and Community Change What are the most promising strategies being used by foundations to address AAPI social justice issues and community needs? Experienced national and regional grantmakers will discuss how funding innovation, coalitions and cross-program work are promising strategies to advance social justice and community change, and reveal what’s working and what they’re learning.
4:00 PM | Closing Plenary |
5:00 PM |
National Giving Circle Campaign Reception Join us in raising our glasses to toast the success of AAPIP’s 5-Year National Giving Circle Campaign. Mix and mingle with representatives from AAPIP’s network of 50 giving circles from around the nation that have collectively raised and given out over $2.6 million to over 500 organizations and projects supporting the AAHNPI community. |
6:00 PM | Adjourn |
Convening Registration
Registration fee includes lunch and the National Giving Circle Campaign Reception. There will be an additional fee and separate registration form to attend a Dine Around.
- AAPIP Members: $100.00 per person
- Non-members: $150.00 per person
To secure your place for AAPIP’s National Network Convening & Annual Meeting, please fill out the registration form below. If you have questions about your AAPIP membership status, please contact the Membership Team at .
The cut-off for registration ended on June 3, 2016.
Pre-Convening Dine Around
Sign up for one of our pre-convening Dine Arounds on Thursday, June 9 from 6:30-8:30 PM! The Dine Arounds are a creative learning space for AAPIP’s network to connect with diverse sectors to learn more about local community issues and challenges impacting the AAPI community, and how they are being addressed. It also provides an opportunity for broader knowledge and resource sharing.
For more information about each Dine Around and to register, head to our Dine Around registration page. Please note that each Dine Around costs $35 per person (non-refundable), which is a separate fee from the Convening registration, and spots are available on a first come, first serve basis.
The cut-off for registration ended on June 5, 2016.
Hotel Information
2016 National Network Convening attendees are encouraged to stay at our designated conference hotel:
Park Central Hotel New York
870 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
(212) 707-5061
In-house Reservation Center: (212) 247-8000
AAPIP Group Room Rates:
- Classic King Bed: $249.00 per night
- Classic Two Double Beds: $269.00 per night
Room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes: (i) New York State hotel tax of 14.75%, (ii) the New York City occupancy tax, which is $2.00 per room nightly; and (iii) the New York City Convention Center tax of $1.50 per room nightly. All taxes are subject to change.
The cut-off date for group registration ended on May 9, 2016. We recommend that you contact the hotel directly to check on room rates and availability.
Our thanks to the following for supporting this event:
No Solicitation Policy
AAPIP upholds a no-solicitation policy at our events, convenings, and meetings to provide a distraction-free environment for all our members and attendees. As such, AAPIP does not allow any kind of solicitation during events, including direct requests for grant funding, membership recruitment, and sales of tickets for outside-AAPIP events. Any person and/or group who violate(s) this policy may be asked at the discretion of AAPIP to leave the event without refund of their registration fees.