AAPIP 2010 Annual Membership Meeting in Denver


More than 50 members, friends, partners and allies gathered at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Denver, Colorado for the AAPIP 2010 Annual Membership Meeting.

In addition to a full agenda, highlights included a short, moving slideshow on “Building Democratic Philanthropy”, as a lead-up to the AAPIP National Philanthropy Summit, on October 20, 2010. And members had an opportunity to meet AAPIP’s new Membership Services Manager, Kimi Mojica!

Following breakfast, Kathy Im, Outgoing Chair of the AAPIP Board of Directors called the meeting to order and began a full agenda which included presenting newly elected Board members, appointment of new Board officers, and updates from AAPIP chapters (plus Silicon Valley).

Danielle Reyes, incoming AAPIP Board Chair, and Peggy Saika, led a brief presentation in recognition of Kathy Im’s service as a Board member for the last six years and as Chair for the last two.  Kathy thanked the Board and membership for being a part of her own growth and development in the field, and encouraged everyone to continue taking an active role in their chapters and in the national organization.

AAPIP also welcomed 3 new Board members: Lillian “Beadsie” Woo, Senior Associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation (Baltimore, MD), Jeanie Lee Boehmler, Director of Education, Fight For Children (Washington DC) and Alice Ito, Program Officer, Marguerite Casey Foundation (Seattle WA).  Board officers for the coming year are Danielle Reyes, Chair; Randy Chun, Vice Chair; Miki Akimoto, Secretary; and Jeff Kumataka, Treasurer.

Thanks to the following chapter leaders and representatives for keeping everyone up to date on the latest at all of AAPIP’s nine chapters across the country, plus an emerging chapter formation in Silicon Valley:  Andy Ho (Washington DC), Kyung Yoon (New York), Jessica del Rosario (Boston), Kathy Im (Chicago), Mailee Walker (Philadelphia), Dorothy Skobba and Lorri Todd (Minneapolis), Alice Ito (Seattle), Taryn Ishida (Silicon Valley), Ryan Yamamoto and Joyce Ybarra (Los Angeles) and Daniel Lee (San Francisco Bay Area).

» Watch the new AAPIP 2010 video, Building Democratic Philanthropy!

» View the AAPIP Annual Membership Meeting photo gallery on Flickr!