For Immediate Release: Widening the Lens on Boys and Men of Color


AAPIP will release today, Widening the Lens on Boys and Men of Color: California AAPI and AMEMSA Perspectives, at a symposium in Oakland hosted at the California Endowment.

The daylong symposium will provide funders the opportunity to engage, learn, and share with each other on various strategies and issues including immigration, criminal justice, and education that affect boys and men of color in California and broaden the framework of boys and men of color initiatives to include AAPI Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer communities.  Speakers and moderators include:

The program will feature a release of some of the report’s key findings and highlight recommendations for funders including:

  • Ensure that culturally competent AAPI and AMEMSA organizations and programs are included in efforts to improve the lives of boys and men of color.
  • Support subgroup research and disaggregation of major data sets.
  • Help build the civic engagement capacity of AAPI and AMEMSA organizations.

To download the report click here.

Follow the program or join the conversation on Twitter with #AAPIPBMOC

A daylong symposium will also be held in Los Angeles on Monday, June 17 at the Center for Healthy Communities.  For more information click here.