To celebrate the impact of our growing National Giving Circle Network, our Facebook page featured photos and stories from our 31 Circles for 31 consecutive days. We challenged our Circles to accumulate the most “Shares” of their photo by calling on their friends, family, and community members.
Our Giving Circles met and exceeded our challenge: their photos and inspirational words generated multiple days with over 10,000 distinct looks. Together, we’ve generated thousands of shares and spread diverse and distinct stories of our community. Thank you for looking, commenting, liking, and sharing our 31 Days 31 Circles contest; with 35 Giving Circles in our Network, you continue to support our people-powered Movement.
In addition to inspiring new leaders with their stories of impact, the the top 3 Giving Circles with the most “Shares” on their featured date won prizes.
Please meet our second place winner:
Changing Our Community
Tell us what it feels like to be a winner! What strategies did you use to win?
We are so happy to have won and are grateful to AAPIP for giving us the opportunity to spread the word about our giving circle and receive a helpful donation toward our funds.
How will you use your prize?
We were talking about using the money like the start up fund to host a co-ed basketball event. In Asian League, some tournaments offer a Co-Ed mini-tournament that allows people to form their own teams with boys and girls and play against other teams. We would use the funds for any gym fees, referee costs, scorekeepers, t-shirts for winners/on sale for individual purchase, etc.
Are there any announcements you’d like to share from your circle?
We are excited to begin our application process to apply for our first match!
Anyone in particular you’d like to thank?
We would like to thank our friends on Facebook for helping us reach and exceed our goal!. We couldn’t have been done without them.