AAPIP Voices

Lessons from the 2015 Giving Circle Convening


In October 2015, representatives of AAPIP Giving Circles gathered in Los Angeles for their annual national convening.  Together, they shared stories, discussed strategies, and looked forward to the future of giving within their circles. Three of our attendees shared their thoughts and reflections on the convening, which you can read here on our blog.

Janet Uradomo, API LGBTQ Dream Team

I recently had the opportunity to attend AAPIP’s Annual Giving Circle Convening on behalf of the Toyota-sponsored API LGBTQ Dream Team. I have to say that at first I felt a little (okay, maybe more than a little) out of my comfort zone. But by the end of the day I felt so inspired and empowered to know that each of us can really make a difference!

I think the hardest part of being a first-year Circle is that you just don’t know what to expect. Attending the convening and meeting other Circles was very educational. Just to hear how other Circles operate, find new members, and create “fun” ways to raise money and awareness really helped me to see a future for sustaining our Circle. Now I can’t wait for the day that we actually award the grants! I think that is going to be the best moment of all.

I’m so proud that my 9-year-old daughter, Kylee is on this journey with me and learning about different ways to make the world a better place. The funniest thing for us was having to explain to her that the money we were raising wasn’t ours to keep, haha! Fundraising sure can be hard work – but it can also be very rewarding. 

Big thanks to Toyota, AAPIP, TAASIA, SPECTRUM, Family and Friends!