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President’s Message

Dear Colleagues,

On September 3rd, 2019, I had the tremendous honor of becoming President and CEO of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP). I am deeply grateful to follow a distinguished line of AAPIP’s leaders on whose shoulders I now stand, determined to leverage the legacies gifted to us by many generations of leaders across movements that have led the arc toward justice. I take on this role, inspired by the extended AAPIP community past, present, and future, ready and eager to roll up our collective sleeves, together with our many allies, at this very moment in time…


2020: The Final Decade of the “Model Minority” Myth – A Perspective From Brandon Hadi, AAPIP’s Social Justice Fellow

In the short time that I have been involved with AAPIP, I have seen some bright and dark spots in this country’s philanthropic sector. The field of philanthropy has made strides toward advancing racial equity thanks to the tireless work of many, especially womxn of color and allies. As we all look to the future, which is ours to shape, I’d like to consider the 2020s as the final decade the philanthropic sector subscribes to stereotypes of any racialized group, and specifically, to unsubscribe from harmful “model minority” narratives imposed on Asians…


AAPIP Announces Appointment of Patricia Eng as New President and CEO

Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia Eng as the organization’s President and


Building Something We Can’t Measure

  By: Jon Jee Schill, AAPIP-Minnesota Chapter Co-Chair A few years ago, a friend and I applied for a grant


Philanthropy’s Place in American Hate

By: Amirah Fauzi, Program Associate, Pillars Fund On August 12, 2016, after years of standing at the edge of his

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