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If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?: 2018 National Network Convening Keynote

By: Kiran Ahuja, CEO, Philanthropy Northwest Below is the transcript of the keynote speech at the AAPIP 2018 National Network

You Are Not Alone: Reflections from 2018 National Network Convening Learning Tour

By:  Margie Andreason, Diversity Equity Inclusion Manager, Northwest Area Foundation, past AAPIP-Minnesota Chapter Co-Chair I cannot imagine the sense of


TALK STORY: Nearly Thirty

By: Richard Woo, CEO, The Russell Family Foundation It’s been nearly 30 years since AAPIP was founded and held its


Reflections on 2017 from AAPIP Seattle-Puget Sound Chapter

By: Shiho Fuyuki, Joneil Sampana, Anjana Sundaram, Jon Wu Happy New Year, everyone! As we begin the new year, we


Year-end Message from Cora Mirikitani

Dear AAPIP Community: With the end of 2017 fast approaching, I’ve been reflecting on what a hectic year it has

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