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A Historic First: AAPI LGBT Youth at the White House, May 2011

Alice Y. Hom, Director of Queer Justice Fund

On October 1979 in Washington DC, a number of “firsts” and historic moments happened—lesbian and gay Asian American activists formed a Gay Asian Collective at the Third World Lesbian and Gay conference that happened at the same time as the first March on Washington for Gay Rights. These historic moments organized by people who brought together their politics and the full gamut of their identities of gender, race, sexuality, and class helped build the foundation of queer people of color organizing, movement building, and coalition work.


[video] Queer Justice Fund Goes to The White House

Alice Y. Hom, Director, Queer Justice Fund

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender folks typically celebrate Pride Month with marches, parades, and celebrations and one of those celebrations took place on a hot and humid day of June 29 at the White House. As the Director of the Queer Justice Fund, I was invited to attend the LGBT Pride Month Policy Briefing and Reception.


[video] AMEMSA Communities: Ten Years After 9/11, A Funder Dialogue

Laila Mehta, Director, AAPIP Civic Engagement Fund

On July 14th, AAPIP was pleased to partner with Northern California Grantmakers in convening a special funders dialogue: 10 Years After 9/11: Dialogue on New Opportunities and Continuing Challenges in AMEMSA Communities.

The AAPIP Giving Circle Campaign: On the Road with Noelle Ito

Noelle Ito

11 giving circles, 7 cities, 1 month and lots of meetings later, I feel fully immersed in AAPIP’s National Giving Circle network. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting all but two of our giving circles and have learned of their strategies, struggles and aspirations.


2011 AAPIP National Convening

Severe income inequality? An ever-widening gap between the nation’s wealthiest and it’s least, especially among immigrant and refugee communities? Is today’s notion of sacrifice, really ‘shared’? Is this any way to build and sustain a democracy?

And what is philanthropy doing to build the capacity of our communities to ask these questions and build solutions in today’s economy?

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