Read the latest news from our campaigns and programs featuring stories and insights directly from our network of community members, giving circle organizers, AAPIP members and philanthropic allies. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive the latest from us directly to your inbox!


Giving Back, Giving Together: 5 Years, 50 Circles Later

Noelle Ito is the Vice President of Programs at AAPIP.


Dinner, Data, Debunking, Dreaming, and Doing: My Thoughts on the 2015 National Giving Circle Convening

Roger Hua is a Credit Manager at Toyota Financial Services and a member of Philanthropists in Asian American Communities (PAAC) Giving Circle.


Inspiration from the AAPIP Giving Circle Convening 2015

Pamela Hung is a member of the Saffron Circle.


Lessons from the 2015 Giving Circle Convening

Janet Uradomo is a member of the API LGBTQ Dream Team.


Conversation with 25 Leaders in Action: Kelly D. Chau

Kelly D. Chau, Ph.D. is the Director of Wellness Services at Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI). She is involved in the development and management of community-based programs that integrate research, health and wellness, addiction recovery services, and behavioral health services to promote healthy independence, healthy lifestyle, enhance functioning and safety from a culturally competent and respectful perspective.

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